Coppice Primary

Planting the seeds of
growth and



to the Owl's class page!


Meet the Staff 

Mrs N Allsop Year Four class teacher (Monday, Tuesday and                         Wednesday morning)

Miss L Hemsworth - Year Four class teacher (Wednesday, Thursday                         and Friday)

Mrs A Redzic - Teaching Assistant

Mr Fezovich - Teaching Assistant                                                               

Spring Two:  

Please see our class timetable for this half term below: 

As you can see, our PE days are on a Monday afternoon (Karate) and a Thursday afternoon (Circuit training with Miss Hemsworth). Please ensure that your child comes to school in their PE kit on these days including trainers and that long hair is tied back and no jewellery including earrings is worn.

The school day will begin at 08:45 (this is when the register will be completed) the gate will be open from 08:35 and will close at 08:40. The school day will finish at 15:15. On a Friday you may be invited to the celebration assembly if your child has received star of the week or writer of the week, please look out for an email but remember please don't tell them as we want it to be a lovely surprise.



Please see the curriculum overview for this half term: 


Please see our Topic Organisers for this half term: 




Our Topic for Spring 2 is 'Invaders and Settlers' and it has a Geogrpahy focus.

Here are our key questions:


Week 1 Topic


Week 2: Topic


Week 3: Topic


Week 4: Topic


Week 5: Topic


Week 6: Topic




In Year 4 we will continue to develop the skills of comprehension by reading individually, in groups and as a whole class.   It is important that, when reading, the children understand the words they are reading and have the ability to check the meaning of words when they are not sure. We are focusing particularly on answering more difficult comprehension questions when reading so that the children build up their deductive skills and have more of an understanding of what the text is telling them.

The children will build on their previous knowledge of Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling to improve their speaking, reading and writing skills. We will focus on different types of sentences and the associated punctuation. We will build on our knowledge of homophones so that we choose the right ones in our work.

Non-Negotiables for Writing  


In Spring 2, we will be focussing our writing on the following books and genres: 

- How to Train Your Dragon: fiction writing following the adventure of Hiccup and his dragon Toothless. This builds on learning during Spring 1. This is our main text for both reading and writing during Spring 2. We will look at settings, character and story structure.

- The Saga of Bjorn: investigating Viking myths and legends



Reading as much as possible will really help your child’s progress at school. It is very important that they understand what they are reading a few minutes spent asking questions about what has been read helps children to develop comprehension skills which are vital to their education.  


Numeracy is a very important part of the curriculum and this half term we will be looking continue to build our skills in number and place value.

In Spring One we will be focussing on:

Numeracy is a very important part of the curriculum and this half term we will be looking continue to build our skills in multiplication and division and length and perimeter

Will be focussing on:


- Fractions

Improper fractions and mixed numbers

Fraction families and identifying equivalence

Adding fractions and mixed numbers

Subtracting fractions and mixed numbers


- Decimals

Tenths as fractions and decimals

Tenths on a place value chart and number line

Divide a 1 and 2-digit number by 10

Hundredths as fractions and decimals

Divide a 1 and 2-digit number by 100


Information for parents-

Games -


If all parents could encourage their children to learn and practice all the tables up to 12x tables that would be very useful too!

This site may help with that:

Non negotiables for Maths.


Our School values

Each week we have a new value – 12 in total.  Our first value will be Respect.  The children will have an assembly Monday morning about how to show and give respect to others both in school and at home!  We will be expecting this to be demonstrated to all members of our Coppice community,  it is important that even when we move onto a new value, the old one isn’t lost.

Our new core values will now form the basis of our ambassador passports (these have now been renamed – core value passports and the children can achieve their bronze, silver and gold awards throughout the year for each core value.) We will of course keep you informed about how your child is getting on with this throughout the year.

Each week Mrs Seaton will sent out a Newsletter that will reflect the value we are working on so that it can also be supported at home.  We look forward to seeing our children bright and early ready to embrace the new weekly challenges


Learning log tasks are set at the beginning of a topic to be completed over the half term.  The children will have the whole half term to complete their chosen tasks.  We will make sure you have the date for the homework to be returned.  We hope that you enjoy the range of tasks that we have set for you!

Please click on the link below to access the homework for Spring 2:

Spring One Topic Homework

There will be a times table test each week for the table facts.   Our aim is to know all the times tables up to 12 x 12 by the end year 4.



Monday 24th February - INSET - school closed 

Tuesday 25th February - children return to school

Wednesday 5th March and Tuesday 11th March - Parents' Evenings

Thursday 6th March - World Book Day 


Please see the class email address below where you can contact Mrs Allsop/Miss Hemsworth with any queries you may have. Please also keep an eye on your own emails as class information will often be sent via this email address: